Patrick Rothfuss zur Frage, ob Fantasy Literatur ist

Im Anschluß an eine Lesung in Milwaukee wurde Fantasyautor Patrick Rothfuss von zwei Studenten angesprochen, die anmerkten, dass es für den Kurs »Creative writing« verpflichtend sei eine Lesung zu besuchen, diese Lesung aber laut ihrem Lehrer nicht zählen würde, da es ja nur »Fantasy« sei.
Patrick Rothfuss nahm dann folgendes Statement für den Lehrer auf (»I had her record a video where I voice my opinion on the matter. Here’s the video. It isn’t entirely safe for work, as I remember saying the word „Bullshit“ about seven or eight times.«).

Viel Spaß beim Ansehen. Ich denke, besser kann man es kaum in so kurzer Zeit ausdrücken.

I’m a student in the UW-Madison Creative Writing program and each workshop requires us to attend two readings and write a short paper about them. When I asked if this Pat Rothfuss reading at UW-Milwaukee would count I was told that it would not because he writes fantasy.
I asked Pat how he felt about this. This was his response.
Also, my apologies for the portrait video. A videographer I am not. I was also REALLY excited that he was letting me do it and wasn’t thinking.